It is our vision at Potter's Wheel to revive the neighborhood, one family at a time. Your gift makes a difference.

Potter's Wheel is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.  All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. You can donate below electronically or mail a check.

For gifts of appreciated stock, please use this simple form.

For other in-kind gifts or if you have questions, please contact Regina Stephenson.

Thank you!

What impact does my gift have?

Give a gift of $225 to provide a child one week of safe transportation to PowerHouse

  • PowerHouse – An afterschool program for Glenwood Leadership Academy and Caldwell YMCA K-5 students each Wednesday that features Bible stories and enrichment activities. This afterschool program also helps parents to keep kids safe, engaged in positive activities, and be a part of a caring community. 

Give a gift of $66 to equip one student with the I-Ready program for a full year

  • Scholars Academy – Supporting parents with the education of their children by providing weekly tutoring to K-5 students to continue building upon reading and math skills they have developed. 

Give a gift of $500 to provide seed money to start one child’s college fund

  • Kids Zone Baby Scholars – Loving and equipping moms and dads of babies and toddlers in our 16-block area with basic knowledge and relational support. It will also equip parents with tools they need and help them to start a college scholarship for their child! 

Give a gift of $125 to equip a parent with new skills and strategies to care for their children

  • Peaceful Parenting - Equipping and empowering parents to manage their emotions and provide healthy discipline that supports a child’s social-emotional well-being. 

Give a gift of $2500 to provide a family one month of wrap-around care to help them take necessary steps to escape poverty

  • Wrap-Around Care - Equipping and empowering adults to acquire new skills and improve their opportunities for employment and a healthy lifestyle. 

Any amount you give helps to make ministry possible

  • Ministry - Loving individuals and families with the compassionate love of Jesus Christ.  We can’t do this life-changing work without you!

Legacy Giving

Want to make a lasting impact on our neighborhood? Extend your support for the Potter’s Wheel by making a commitment for the future. Adding the Potter’s Wheel to your estate plan is a great way to ensure the work continues far after your lifetime. Your gift through your will, trust, or other account(s) will be your personal legacy of changing the SouthSide of Evansville forever. If you choose to make provisions for Potter’s Wheel in your will, we suggest using the sample language below. 

I give and devise to The Potter’s Wheel, Inc, located in Evansville, IN, EIN: 74-3105998, the sum of (or % of estate) $___________ for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose.

Have you already added Potter’s Wheel to your will or estate plan? Let us know! We’d love to acknowledge your generosity!

Other ways to give